Slightly change one or two words to make text level greatly improved a lot, and as examples of the "I" XiangLinSao, also is met the heroine first appearance, hereby is this:
I saw this time in lut town people, change of the big, can say no too her: five years ago hoary hair, namely today have all white how to buy moncle jecket , whole don't like forty fluctuation; Face gaunt unbearable, HuangZhong take black, and eliminate all previous sad look, as if woodcarving like; Only the eyes or round, can also that she is a living creature.
First published this have no "now" 2 words, plus the meaning clearer accurate. "Look" original "color", change this more both appearance. "Pop" original "eyes", that is, from one rotational or with "eyes" for beautiful, because although whole eyeball in rotation, but only the eyes see to this part of clear. Lu xun wunsin fine, which is obvious.
When XiangLinSao hijacked go after, lu four neither because later hired workingwoman around, also always mention unpleasant XiangLinSao to:
Whenever these, she often soliloquize say, "she's not know?"
Here "soliloquy four word is modifications to add, add very reasonable, because it was not her to ask what person, "Hope" original "think", "think" meanings very much, here means hope, that is inferior to use directly "hope".
Will this first published in geotechnical with these, you can see the punctuation changes many, mostly will commas, semicolons, These full stop adjustment is more appropriate. In addition, some more important, such as XiangLinSao second to lu home when women, who to lu four old garrulous neither say:
"... it is called "the weather ', her man is solid, who knows muir, will be locked into typhoid?"
First published in the beginning of the ellipsis as dashes, the final question mark as a comma, are not appropriate, probably magazine WuPai, correct it is necessary. There is one adds a dashes, who earlier XiangLinSao remarriage old speak the situation way:
"This have what in unconventional. - make who is always make a three-game; as long as with rope a sheaf, tucked in sedan, carried to the family, the corolla, meeting the si, closed the door, gets the job done."
Here in the first published without dashes. Coupled with a slight pause, dashes said tone in the previous lu xun foreignfiction stories -- the slightly cases "has been made clear to his novel also often in this sense use dashes, here is also this usage. Add a dashes, more can show the tone of the old guard when talking and expression.
Lu xun's novel published the first will read this and formulated the contrast, can learn from this writing articles, change articles of mysterious. Once someone has asked the secret of lu xun's writing, lu xun's always answered, but look how to write and have no secret, "guide practice, than I can" (1935 on November 18, cause WangYeQiu); But he was also in the answer beidou magazine asked "(after the help set revenue law) and the composition secret" (after) the collection of NaQiangBeiDiao income said in a bit, Old age have more 1 "should not be so write" (after the income and two sets of dielectric pavilion essays specifically proposes research), a famous copy this:
The great writer who has DingPing, his works, all elucidation "should be how to write". Just readers very not easy to see, also cannot comprehend. Because in learners hand, is must know "should not what I wrote," which can understand "should be how to write".
This "should not what I wrote," how to know? Hui gallese "husband" study of gogol chapter 6, answer to this question --
"Should write so, must from great writers of finished works to understand. So, don't be so write this side, lest the best from the same works of his manuscripts walking this to learn. Here, like artists in to us in the form of tangible goods. As he pointed to professor every row, direct say this to us," you see - which, this is should cancel. This will shorten, this should observing recast, because not natural. Here, still have to add some more definite image rendering, make some. ""
These are extremely good learning method, and we Chinese walks lack of such materials.
Hui gallese "Cardiff (now listed sasha and Randolph wei counterparts, 1867 ~ 1945)" book gogol research, there have been LanYingNian meng ten still, two translations, blue translation (" how the writing of gogol, liaoning education press, 1998 edition) level higher, easier to find. Actually, lu xun (today have the manuscript. "complete works of lu xun's manuscript and several anthologies) is read feels most cordial teaching materials, Lu xun is handed down above traces of manuscript changes, and thus are not much of his work to survey published the first with these, particularly effective a good solution.
Now the use of computers has become increasingly popular, original meaning of manuscripts will be fewer. How to understand the writer's works and revise their survey has the different printing this (including the primitive newspapers published works, the first edition of this spanish-language version ZaiBanBen, this, complete this anthology) will become major even only viable path. From the Angle of modern literature research version, lots of work to do.
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