A slightly raised small hill tabor and rosefinch and ride gallantmbt uk sale looked at the north stand under within sight with tiger's advance legion cavalry entangled martial killed. Rosefinch 3,000 riding behind Michael ride made quietly.
Originally the advance legion's not long tapping wu hao of just 100 tabor guards have been low and white tiger team morale Hui ride carry sharpness and powerless as thunder 1942-1943 block in magic fall. But demon sasha advance legion after all is the army's elite martial occupies the advantage and the number of Li Beijing and very powerful so as command also truly the white tiger left blunt right axon hit extremely total turkestan not break its bottom line of defence shall not be decided to take on the progress of the war.
Rosefinch frown way: I didn't think the bone is so hard to chew fortunately I came to the otherwise half an hour after a white tiger senior offensive by magic WuJun counterattack tired up will not biased. Said he suddenly see still in magic sasha army of the gallant killed 100 brave convoy tabor and praise, is not the way: colonel you envy the 100 escort also is really great WuJun this hard by magic like iron knocked the bones so long time unexpectedly one didn't rank the meteorite still. Xi xi brother you don't just cheap xuanwu that boy am I - 'sharpshooter' you bit despises eye? A thousand 'sharpshooter' change you this one hundred people you as a senior ate some kui promised?
Hao poisson angry and good laugh denounce what time the way: are there in the mood for this? I this hundred guard is the entire human elite place you less innocence. To lead to riding zhenwu Li Beijing will magic behind the nest to chuai.
Rosefinch glad way: senior sage advice at the advance legion's big Lou wu started to tread it with my den before its inevitable elder tiger beleaguered rout so battle crestor.
Always comfortable nestled in the bosom, mbt uk salegallant game changing tabor sit at the small princess mouth way: magic WuJun den three highness Li Beijing is a very important man if he smote every will dispose of crestor even in not only will soon begin soon after the magic sasha, SAN yuan war we will also be a shoo-in.
Smell speech tabor and rosefinch qi hao was taken aback. Hao has been focused on sight tabor so far-reaching not think game at this time can make Li Beijing was mindful YinHen here, make magic WuJun lost its soul so magic WuJun though not not war but it must not since crushing blow SAN yuan resistance army prevailed up will greatly easy.
Rosefinch eye pan extraordinary small princess looks at the word of tabor envy of hao elder just days not see you, good skill of the bubble you get on that is so a LAN qualitative really need. So it seems' ShengJian feeling saint 'name or shall be added in your head to mankind.
Hao opal in distress situation: so glorious title I of the up or you can when keep it!
The small princess suddenly face now JiaoChen wriggle of state way: hate rosefinch colonel somebody else and gallant between but innocent tabor eldest brother, we can do nothing.mbt shuguli
- well this is clearly saying we can clear not white, between what did.
Rosefinch blue eyes a convex almost jumped out from within in eyes of his gallant, tabor understanding killed him also don't believe will make for girls tabor hao what thing can now derailed small princess a pair of bashful clinking, timid ashamed to say again however the demeanor was he not letter.
Rosefinch immediately voice tears accompany bottom recite the evils: tabor hao elder brother I never thought you is this kind of person you, you also rates with the model, education we who this group of pure good teacher younger brother? You ShengJian knights up to nearly 10,000 knight loyalty worship? The ancients cloud 'hsiungnu were destroyed home as' can you why in SAN yuan empire at that time immodesty is the collapse of the critical unexpectedly still have the mood to make a girl? Most make I tolerated brothers has not married you have the slightest as they think about it -- so good chick you how don't introduce to me?
Hao to tabor big sleep head takong bow see suddenly plead small princess a face of steal to smile immediately suddenly know this heart NianHu chicks in his side to the relationship with their intentionally says haziness, make to make yourself known are known, with her continue to go down, haziness to cast out her. Want to know one of the reasons the two eyes tabor gas gallant turned white and see rosefinch Jude clench doesn't put busy adjudicates Gordian knot by replacing ShengJian track: rosefinch I to the identity of the knights commands you speed rate soldiers fought against the array's advance legion martial WuJun over after Li must kill demons of Beijing!
Rosefinch unwilling gulped spittle by the mouth the words will million words of jihad also pharynx back his stomach curt way: meet make! Riding 3,000 to wave guide's JunZhen rushed after wu.
Rosefinch ShengJian the life-blood of led 3,000 knights riding and potential for magic mountain tigers are as follows JunZhen with thunder after wu rushed the potential originally, soon to ramshackle could not hold magic sasha advance legion immediately when the power of the slightest block without haywire.
Rosefinch 3,000 fighters like a knife sharp spear multiply pierced strict silk seamless magic sasha army to keep their potential WuJun whole lazio will be magic cutoff in two parts straight at the cavalry captain and white tiger to 5-4.
Rosefinch, white tigers, two meet again under the points made remained largely distinct left, right across Hui their cavalry into moon formations for two magic broken strangulation society WuJun.
Magic sasha army plume of Li marquis of lian see tide of Beijing urgent way: your highness the situation has urgent 'stay castle peak in not afraid didn't burn' retreat?
Li Beijing was heavy chest depressed if only sleep a black poof jet eyes wall spurted whispers: how did that happen? Clearly how I was favorable for situation suddenly at this point? Hao poisson I eventually had Hudson performs you!
Feather lian smell speech frightened: Li Beijing at tabor produce timidity, gallant as shadow will influence martial, SAN yuan after two's JunJiao wartime normal exertion that to magic sasha is undoubtedly was unfavorable. He was busy KuanXie its way: your highness 'l 'homme propose dieu days' not your firm is poorly orchestrated human enough providence so. Your daughter form here too dangerous first temporarily withdrawal?
Li Beijing after all is also generation momentary jay sanity resolutely way: well we retreat! Let the boy win tabor gallant first let the game a few days his pride.
Finally looked into the besieged advance legion's Li Beijing at kilburn eye contain hot tears: the soldiers is I can you break it fled person respectively is one. Feather lian li million by him repeat with generals such dozens surrounded by his escape battlefield.
Not long Mo running line of people a poetic voice shouted, the Li Beijing where children escape? Here for your excellency of that feng shui treasure-house of our not again struggling to anywhere else find. See king kong Wolf leads brave the cavaliers XieCiLi cut over.
Feather lian generals wave a dozens immediately forward block king kong Wolf,MBT Rafiki gtx etc.
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