Friday, February 10, 2012

generally a single brand of hard disk in a distributor's monthly flow is about 20K

The hard drive market seems to have reversed the past oversupply of hard marketing roadmap for a digital city for less than the a sales staff showed reporters the hard disk of chips from Thailand. CFP for map drive prices soared, consumers demand the hard drive is shrinking Thailand has been the flood hit, PC manufacturers win supplier priority reluctant sellers, agents and merchants to hoard goods, retail channel hard disk prices are soaring rocket speed , 500G hard drive of the most representative of the full price up to double
This seems to be a very easy question to answer multiple-choice questions: If you own house replaced the hard drive, you will agree with it? Almost everyone should choose But now, more people want this exchange real, and his own house enough.
Prior to that, because the hard drive industry is extremely occupied liquidity, a lot of one and two agents are chosen to own real estate mortgages, in general, a cycle and the back section of the two agents between one week to two weeks, but because of the general performance of the market as a whole, arrived out of the house may not come back.
but these one and two agents who will never again worry about the mortgage of the house. To the current market, generally within a week out of inventory at hand, had previously been an exaggeration to describe for dismal ends meet, they can now quickly and easily make money.
status quo
the current hard market
DIY industry the past two years has been in gradual decline of the state, and even frequently Insiders claim that its imminent demise. Chen Ran the Big Three, one of the hard disk has been in a state of small profit margins, worked at a brand distributor companies and even the tools into the even earn a dollar, two dollars, or even loss of a dollar, two dollars. Prior to that,MBT Gil Gil Sandals, because the hard drive industry is extremely occupied liquidity, many primary and secondary agents are chosen to own real estate mortgage, each distributor who sells goods to one and the two agents will conduct a risk assessment , then according to an allocation and the strength of the two agents of the share. This is to make the line outsiders may at first sound will be surprised, Due to overall market performance in general, arrived out of the house may come back, like Chen Ran encountered failed to get through on foot by agents.
but these one and two agents who would not have such worries. A two agent Mr. Chen said,pandora cheap, to the current market, generally within a week out of inventory at hand, some fast and even can be out within three days. More happy initially low stock, there is still inventory in transit or in the warehouse of the dealer, they can be directly changed hands out of the hard disk of the latest high-price inventory.
this market can be regarded as a century rare.
flood, just pull the prices prelude
the hard drive market statistics released in September 2011 in the second quarter, according to U.S. market research firm IHS iSuppli The report, Western Digital accounted for 32% of market share, account for 31 percent, Seagate, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies accounted for 16% share Toshiba (microblogging) / Fujitsu accounted for 11 percent, Samsung (microblogging) account for 10%. Specific to the mainland market, in fact, Western Digital and Seagate two occupied the entire market, the rest of the brand is almost negligible, especially in Samsung Seagate acquisition, the acquisition of Western Digital Hitachi is reviewing the background, then said, the next.
relatively stable market changed dramatically reason, it is the last many months, Thailand flood hit the hard drive manufacturers with factories in the local. For various reasons, Western Digital had to temporarily shut down factories to stop production of hard drives, Hitachi's storage division, and Toshiba hard disk factory in Thailand was forced to close. In addition, the production, including motor, sled, head assembly and HGA products, including the component factories are mostly affected, and to stop its assembly line.
Western Digital in the notice issued on October 19, confirmed this situation, adding that 54 million hard drives, 60 percent from the Thailand factory, which means that some at least 32.4 million hard drives. In addition, the production base of the hard disk drive business, a lot of parts suppliers in the local. because of flooding forced to shut down factories have been affected.
another giant Seagate also claimed in its public statement issued by Seagate in the normal plant operations in Thailand, although the limit of non-production internal components supply or assemble the product the ability, but by a some foreign component suppliers. Seagate will also assist the external component suppliers, as soon as possible to repair the supply chain.
Prior to this, the IHS to iSuppli overly optimistic estimate, due to the flood of Thailand, the hard drive of the fourth quarter prices will rise 10 percent. But in the Mainland market, the real situation is most representative of the 500G hard drive prices up 100% full. So, about various shady speculation and controversy ensued everywhere.
PC vendors hard gap
push up retail prices
according to the principle of Marxist economics, when a shortage of a commodity, its price will be higher than the value of and the price with the shortage of the commodity, the more shortage of commodity prices higher, namely, to deviate from the value the greater the degree. From this perspective, the hard drive prices seem to be perfectly justifiable.
as the connection factory and the bottom level, the general agent of the two agents, they are obviously an important part in the prices of the chain. However, Chen said, the general agent of the employees in November are normally leave in the first week of October will stop shipments, October 7, when a week's inventory. But they are the National Day holiday has just ended, this part of the stock issued, out of stock on the heels of accompanied or hard disk from the price increase.
in fact, generally between the distributor and the manufacturer will have a period of about 20-30 days of price protection period, the price of that this time, the factory sent to the distributor of hard disk should be stable even if there are fluctuations, and subsequently will be compensated. But the capacity of flood damage, so manufacturers have to increase the price of the hard disk in order to maintain profit levels. Release warning of the supply chain, manufacturers stopped distributor price protection, and reduce the supply of a hard drive. As a result, nearly a month, the distributor of getting goods direct from the factory prices continue to rise, when these drives and then changed hands to the two agents, and finally to the shops in the hands, the price had a rose and rose.
But things are obviously not so simple. As hard drive manufacturers, their major concern is not one,MBT Moto Boots, two agents as well as the shops at the end of the composition of channels, but such as Lenovo, Dell (microblogging), Haier, Shenzhou, etc. PC manufacturers. Because the demand for PC makers is the largest and most stable, such as a PC manufacturer can be achieved from the distributor at the volume of 500K (500,000 units), of course, more favored by hard drive manufacturers.
Therefore, in the hard disk capacity of damaged, manufacturers will certainly be preferred to meet the needs of PC makers. Even so, According to IHSiSuppli the estimates, including Dell, Apple,MBT Women's Ema, Lenovo and other PC makers are still mostly facing the hard drive out of stock of the situation. From another angle to the channel under the premise of ensuring the supply of PC makers hard drive will inevitably greatly reduced, which also stimulated the hard drive prices on the retail market. The most typical is the new U.S. eggs (microblogging), 500G Western Digital hard drive the price was as high as $ 109.9.
the other hand, occupied by the Western Digital hard drive markets around the world, however 32% of the share in the domestic market, this figure should be increased to about 50%. Two agents Chen said that once occupied most of the country west of the hard disk market data can not be getting goods, their choice will naturally have purchased other brands such as Seagate, Hitachi instead. As Seagate said in its public statement issued by their products despite the production were not the internal components of the supply or assemble the product ability to limit, but by the supply of certain external components, coupled with its market demand sudden increase, but also to those directly affected by the floods in Thailand is not brand also added to the shortage, the prices of the drive force.
in such a context, we are familiar with the cottage army did not like we are familiar with as timely emergence of more . Chen However, it seems, is precisely determined by the characteristics of the hard drive industry. Although the hard drive industry has been in the embarrassing situation of the small profit margins, but it is precisely the technical requirements of the industry is high, its core components motor, heads, domestic manufacturers can not produce, there are no such as mobile phones, tablet PCs, HD playback machine, and so the same into the no-name.
Similarly, the overall shortage in the hard disk market, was originally a previously popular solid-state drives to grab the class to seize power, occupying the golden opportunity of the ordinary hard disk drive market share. Unfortunately, solid-state hard drive manufacturers did not able to in a timely manner decreased slightly the prices to attract the attention of more and more ordinary consumers.
so fierce
more people willing to believe, hard disk so ferocious rally should not be just because the market is out of stock. You know, in October for a long time, the hard drive market demand has been very sluggish, and thus the major brands have at least 7 days of inventory in many shops.
In fact, when the gains gradually from, you have been smart agents and merchants began to stockpile reluctant to sell. Wang Kai, SEG Plaza, an ordinary dealer, he told reporters on --- one of two agents to store a number of hard disk in your hand. Just more than a week, seeing the hard drive prices have soared from 260 yuan to 500 yuan. Now, when consumers come to ask the 500G hard drive purchase, Wang Kai is directly to the price of 600 yuan, the fact that his hands have no much hard disk. Similarly, agents and distributors in the face of the hard disk rising, have a general wait-and-see mood: Wait a minute, the hard disk can rise even higher.
Chen Ran, told reporters that the hard disk of a single brand in a distributor's monthly flow is about 20K. Well, according to the estimates of Wang Kai, the strength of some one, two agents even won the 1K amount, until the hard drive or up to 200 shots, he can easily earn 200,000. In fact, such estimates are fairly conservative.
previous garlic you relentless funding to the hard drive market. However, Chen and Wang Kai said the fact that a near-joke: the city a lot of time to a computer,Womens MBT Vizuri Shoes, hard disk is actually not really sold to consumers how much the amount, but simply moved from one shop to another shop, every move up The price of 20 yuan. In the end, actually has the same specifications as the bare metal shell of mobile hard disk is more expensive than the addition of Guaixiang.
speculation suspects are originally cheap maverick network makers. Interestingly, when the rally is now the beginning of the hard disk, and consumers to B2C website will be surprised to find almost a collective out of stock. Subsequently, only several days, the various network operators are beginning to return to normal supply, but strangely, the price actually almost neatly unified, linear surge. As of today, the most typical Western 500G blue plate in the prices of the various network operators is still a uniform $ 599, all this obviously can not just use exactly to explain. B2C websites have prices, retail shop owners also joined in the prices of force. Thus, regardless of online or offline, the hard disk market with only a rise in the price.
who in the prices to pay?
This is the worst of times. As the last hard market chain, if nothing unexpected rise in pressure eventually borne by the consumer to digest. But whether it is businesses or consumers, should understand that the rigid demand of the consumers on the hard disk is far from the market so strong.
Chen Ran the final performance of the retail market is actually quite optimistic forecast. In his view, as a component of the DIY indispensable, hard drives are not simply isolated hard drive; If you do not it, the CPU, memory, graphics cards and other components apparently can not be sold. Therefore, when the hard drive prices force consumers to reduce the desire to buy DIY businesses are only the price of the CPU, memory, graphics cards and other components and hard drive linkage, in order to ease the pressure of hard drive prices. Huaqiang North, there were already many businessmen launched a special DIY packages, including CPU, memory, hard drives, motherboards, including Western Digital 500G hard drive prices down conversion at about 480 yuan.
more on the ground floor level, two agents apparently, not to worry about for the sale, the dealer has been very active to eat into the hard drive inventory, as a last resort there is another path --- exports. Compared to domestic agents, distributors, foreign countries has always been the habit did not stockpile, then the surrogate stock hard drive is sold to overseas markets, is clearly also a good way. In fact, the hard drive circles widely circulated recently China Taiwan, rumors of Japanese businessmen to Hong Kong, China and the Chinese mainland market to crack down on the hard drive.
retail market directly to consumers face Wang Kai has become not so optimistic. In his view, by the hard drive prices rose 100 percent of the demand of consumers for the hard drive is actually only one or two into October. The rigid demand has been generated around the average hard drive is relatively weak, after all, consumers can give up DIY, and then purchase a branded desktop. Precisely because of this, even if the hard disk itself, its gains concentrated almost entirely in the 3.5-inch market.
acquisition of Hitachi to accelerate the recovery key
recovery for hard disk production line, only IHSiSuppli the analyst gives a variety of forecast can be restored in December, the latest known is likely to continue for several quarters. Chen However, where the distributor company calculated that, even if Thailand after the flood subsided, the factory production environment and production equipment have been restored, overtime production is hard, wait until the basic supply of the hard drive properly, it should be until next year months.
of which the most crucial point is that the hard drive production for the production environment and production equipment requires high, because the internal hard drive is required to achieve a clean, vacuum state. Affected by the flood, whether these devices meet these requirements, is still unknown. First, production equipment restored to production requirements, will obviously be time-consuming; Furthermore, if the worst happens, the factory needs to be replaced a number of new equipment for production. Then wait until the new equipment run is completed, restart production, the time it takes apparently.
variables are not non-existent. Western Digital in the first half of this year proposed acquisition of Hitachi, but the EU taking into account the high degree of monopoly may arise during the audit has been unable to release the acquisition. So, when you encounter such a hit in Western Digital's production capacity, the European Union for the acquisition of attitude may be a difference. Once the acquisition is successful, Western mobilize the production base of Hitachi Global Storage Center in Shenzhen, to make the Western Digital hard disk capacity as soon as possible to restore.
(respondents require text name are not his real name)
hard disk drive market sales roadmap
a two agents store a number of The hard drive in your hand. Just more than a week, seeing the hard drive prices have soared from 260 yuan to 500 yuan. Now, when consumers come to ask the 500G hard drives offer directly to the price of 600 yuan.
insiders told reporters, generally a single brand of hard disk in a distributor's monthly flow is about 20K. Well, according to conservative estimates, some of the strength of one, two agents even won the 1K amount, until the hard drive or up to 200 shots, he can easily earn 200,000.
hard disk manufacturers, the most valued, such as Lenovo,cheap puma, Dell, Haier, Shenzhou, etc. PC manufacturers. Because the demand for PC makers, but also the most stable. Therefore, in the hard disk capacity after injury, the manufacturers will certainly be preferred to meet the needs of PC makers, therefore, sent to the channel number of hard disk will inevitably greatly reduced, which also stimulated the hard drive prices on the retail market.
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