Friday, February 10, 2012

other local radio or screenwriter of program formats

Shuang Zheng
the SARFT ban is expanding ripples of new regulations in TV commercials, online video has begun to eagerly desire the closure of its advertisers in television advertising executives are this headache sources.
seems to share media COO Chen appearance Xuan, television stations will likely will be taken by way of advertising raise prices to cope with the ban on TV commercials,Gucci Boots For Women, so that many medium-sized brands will turn to video ads. MR appearance Xuan is expected to accept the markedly accelerated, a growth peak in the second quarter, advertising revenue for the first time exceeded one billion yuan, an increase of up to 57.1%. The third quarter continued the growth momentum of the previous quarter,MBT Nafasi Mid, advertising revenue reached 1.34 billion yuan.
Recently,Womens MBT Sport2 Shoes, SARFT official as hereinafter provided on national television since January 1,Men Puma Sprint 2 Lux Nm, 2012, the drama may not in any form commercials. Maung Chan Xuan believe that this will lead to future television might be doing more of the soft implant, in addition, television stations may also prices. The video ad also usher in a growth opportunity.
in the industry view, the inline ads canceled after the other ad becomes a scarce resource, there may be price or discount on the adjustment, such as piece after piece before one minute of advertising time. Compared to CCTV, the local TV stations so affected,Gucci Belt Sale, CCTV dozen professional channels, TV shows playing time accounted for was small,Cheap Pandora Bead, but the main revenue-generating source of other local radio or screenwriter of program formats, the impact on The surface will be relatively large.
Chen appearance Xuan expected, brands will vote to allow the video online advertising likely to be increasingly large proportion, especially medium-sized brand on a limited budget.
share media, Jiang Lan, CEO said: wide so that, the outlook is very optimistic about the growth rate of the video ads have been about twice the growth rate of the entire Internet advertising. floor loss of television or over 200 billion SARFT next year to prohibit the drama middle commercials banned commercials advertising television shows: revenue increase or decrease in the deposit differences microblogging recommended | SAN official microblogging >> more

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